Thursday, March 10, 2011

R.I.P. Howard

This past weekend we took a little trip up to Idaho Falls to see baby Anna and just to hang out with the old family. It was a great weekend full of lots of fun and games and lots of laughs. Even the drive home seemed to be alright. Little did we know that over the weekend our dear fish Howard had gone to heaven. This is the same Howard who lived on breadcrums and who knows what for more than a couple months. He was the most resiliant fish I have ever met. He always brought a smile to our faces after being away from the house. He lived for over a year now in his new home. It was the best we could do for him. Now his home is vacant and I doubt we will ever be able to replace him. He will always be Halle's big brother and our favorite son. Come to think of it I never really knew if Howard was a boy or girl. Either way we love him and can't wait to see him again someday. R.I.P. Howard Jan 2010-Mar 2011


The Staheli's said...

Finally!! Loved all the posts! We've missed you guys posting stuff. Keep it up especially the pictures and funny stories!! Love ya

angied said...

haha that is so funny! i cant believe that fish lived so long!